categories: - storage labels: io.rancher.certified: experimental io.rancher.role: cluster questions: - variable: defaultImage default: true description: "Use default Docker image" label: Use Default Image type: boolean group: "Container Images" show_subquestion_if: false subquestions: - variable: image.repository default: "ranchercharts/kubernetes_incubator-nfs-provisioner" description: "Docker image name" type: string label: NFS Image Name - variable: image.tag default: "v2.2.1-k8s1.12" description: "NFS image tag" type: string label: Image Tag - variable: storageClass.create default: true description: "Creating the StorageClass" type: boolean required: true label: Creating the StorageClass group: "StorageClass Setting" show_subquestion_if: true subquestions: - variable: description: "The name to assign the created StorageClass, default to release name if not set." type: string label: StorageClass Name - variable: storageClass.defaultClass default: true description: "Set StorageClass as the default StorageClass" type: boolean label: Set StorageClass as the default StorageClass - variable: storageClass.reclaimPolicy default: "Delete" description: "ReclaimPolicy of the Created StorageClass" required: true type: enum label: ReclaimPolicy of the Created StorageClass options: - "Delete" - "Retain" - variable: storageClass.allowVolumeExpansion default: true description: "AllowVolumeExpansion shows whether the storage class allow volume expand" type: boolean label: Allow VolumeExpansion # persistence volName - variable: persistence.enabled default: false description: "Enable persistent volume for the nfs-server-provisioner" type: boolean required: true label: Enable Persistent Volume show_subquestion_if: true group: "Persistent Storage" subquestions: - variable: persistence.size default: "20Gi" description: "nfs-server-provisionner Persistent Volume Size" type: string label: nfs-server-provisionner Volume Size - variable: persistence.storageClass default: "" description: "If undefined or null, uses the default StorageClass. Default to null" type: storageclass label: Default StorageClass for nfs-server-provisionner - variable: persistence.hostPath default: "/srv" description: "For GKE uses /home/kubernetes/nfs/ instead, custom nfs host path read and write permission are required, default to /srv" type: string label: NFS Host Path required: true show_if: "persistence.enabled=false" group: "Persistent Storage" # nfs service type - variable: service.type default: "ClusterIP" description: "The service type of the nfs-provisioner" type: enum label: Service Type group: "Service Settings" required: true options: - "ClusterIP" - "NodePort" show_subquestion_if: "NodePort" subquestions: - variable: service.nfsNodePort default: "" description: "Sepcify the nodePort of the NFS service" type: int label: NodePort of the NFS service min: 30000 max: 32767 - variable: service.mountdNodePort default: "" description: "Sepcify the nodePort of the mountd service" type: int label: NodePort of the mountd service min: 30000 max: 32767 - variable: service.rpcbindNodePort default: "" description: "Sepcify the nodePort of the RPC service" type: int label: NodePort of the RCP service min: 30000 max: 32767